Gita di un giorno a Petra in Giordania da Sharm El Sheikh

Petra Jordan da Sharm El Sheikh Scopri una delle meraviglie del mondo in questa giornata intera viaggio a Petra, Aqaba e Wadi Musa. Goditi i trasferimenti di andata e ritorno in autobus e traghetto e un pranzo a buffet con piatti della cucina tradizionale giordana.


  • Lasciati prelevare dal comfort del tuo alloggio a Sharm El SHeikh. Rilassati sul viaggio con aria condizionata in uno spazioso autobus durante il viaggio verso il porto di Taba. Sali a bordo di un traghetto e rilassati durante la crociera ad Aqaba. Viaggia in autobus per circa 2 ore fino a Petra.
  • Segui la tua guida in un tour a piedi di 2-3 ore del sito archeologico. Entra a Petra a piedi, attraverso il Siq è una gola stretta e tortuosa lunga oltre 1 chilometro. Visita il Grande Tesoro (Al-Khazneh Farun), il Teatro Romano e le Tombe Reali (la Tomba Arcobaleno è un must per i fotografi).
  • Ammira centinaia di monumenti, triclini (sale da pranzo formali romane) e obelischi, tutti scolpiti nell’arenaria rosso-rosa dalle molteplici sfumature. Una passeggiata attraverso il colonnato della Petra romana bizantina ti porta al centro della città.
  • Continua fino alla collina di Al-Habis a Wadi Musa, coronata da un forte di epoca crociata). Ammira viste panoramiche mozzafiato di profondi burroni e formazioni rocciose dai colori unici. Riposatevi con un pranzo a buffet dove potrete provare le specialità locali abbinate ad una bibita analcolica.
  • Ritorno ad Aqaba dove avrai un’ora di tempo libero per lo shopping prima di salire sul traghetto per tornare a Taba e tornare al tuo hotel a Dahab a tarda notte.

Orario di partenza e orario di partenza Ritorno

Ritiro: intorno alle 01:00 (a seconda della posizione dell’hotel a Sharm el Sheikh).
Ritorno: intorno all’01:00.
Durata: 1 giorno
Tour disponibile ogni martedì e venerdì

Cosa portare

Passaporto e Scarpe comode e scarpe comode. Vestiti comodi e; Contanti



  • Transfer from your hotel
  • Tour guide
  • Lunch
  • 1-day entry to Petra
  • Wadi Musa visit
  • Ferry tickets
  • Personal expenses
  • drinks


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220.00 250.00
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Petra Jordan Day Trip from Sharm El Sheikh

Petra Jordan from Sharm El Sheikh Discover one of the wonders of the world on this full-day trip to Petra, Aqaba, and Wadi Musa. Enjoy round-trip bus and ferry transfers and a lunch buffet of traditional Jordanian cuisine.


  • Be picked up from the comfort of your accommodation in Sharm El SHeikh. Relax on the air-conditioned drive in a spacious bus on the drive to the port in Taba. Hop aboard a ferry and relax on the cruise to Aqaba. Travel by bus for about 2 hours to Petra.
  • Follow your guide on a 2-3-hour walking tour of the archeological site. Enter Petra on foot, through the Siq is a narrow, winding gorge over 1 kilometer in length. Visit the Great Treasury (Al-Khazneh Farun), the Roman Theatre, and the Royal Tombs (the Rainbow Tomb is a must for photographers).
  • Admire hundreds of monuments, tricliniums (formal Roman dining rooms), and obelisks, all carved from the multi-shaded, rose-red sandstone. A walk through the colonnade of Roman Byzantine Petra brings you to the city center.
  • Continue to the hill of Al-Habis in Wadi Musa, crowned with a crusader-era fort). Take in breathtaking panoramic views of deep gullies and uniquely colored rock formations. Rest with a buffet lunch where you can try local specialties paired with a soft drink.
  • Drive back to Aqaba where you will have an hour of free time for shopping before boarding the ferry back to Taba and transferring back to your hotel in Dahab late at night.

Departure time & Return

Pickup: Around 21:00 (Depending on your hotel location in Sharm el sheikh).
Drop Off: Around 01:00 am .
Duration: 1 day
Tour available every Tuesday and Friday

What to bring

Passport & Comfortable shoes & Comfortable clothes & Cash



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220.00 250.00
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Petra Jordan Day Trip from Sharm El Sheikh

Petra Jordan from Sharm El Sheikh Discover one of the wonders of the world on this full-day trip to Petra, Aqaba, and Wadi Musa. Enjoy round-trip bus and ferry transfers and a lunch buffet of traditional Jordanian cuisine.


  • Be picked up from the comfort of your accommodation in Sharm El SHeikh. Relax on the air-conditioned drive in a spacious bus on the drive to the port in Taba. Hop aboard a ferry and relax on the cruise to Aqaba. Travel by bus for about 2 hours to Petra.
  • Follow your guide on a 2-3-hour walking tour of the archeological site. Enter Petra on foot, through the Siq is a narrow, winding gorge over 1 kilometer in length. Visit the Great Treasury (Al-Khazneh Farun), the Roman Theatre, and the Royal Tombs (the Rainbow Tomb is a must for photographers).
  • Admire hundreds of monuments, tricliniums (formal Roman dining rooms), and obelisks, all carved from the multi-shaded, rose-red sandstone. A walk through the colonnade of Roman Byzantine Petra brings you to the city center.
  • Continue to the hill of Al-Habis in Wadi Musa, crowned with a crusader-era fort). Take in breathtaking panoramic views of deep gullies and uniquely colored rock formations. Rest with a buffet lunch where you can try local specialties paired with a soft drink.
  • Drive back to Aqaba where you will have an hour of free time for shopping before boarding the ferry back to Taba and transferring back to your hotel in Dahab late at night.

Departure time & Return

Pickup: Around 21:00 (Depending on your hotel location in Sharm el sheikh).
Drop Off: Around 01:00 am .
Duration: 1 day
Tour available every Tuesday and Friday

What to bring

Passport & Comfortable shoes & Comfortable clothes & Cash



  • Transfer from your hotel
  • Tour guide
  • Lunch
  • 1-day entry to Petra
  • Wadi Musa visit
  • Ferry tickets
  • Personal expenses
  • drinks

4 reviews for Petra Jordan Day Trip from Sharm El Sheikh

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220.00 250.00
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