Spettacolo di delfini & nuotare con i delfini

Goditi uno spettacolo di delfini e un’esperienza unica. nuotare con i delfini e, inoltre, scegliere di farsi scattare una foto con i delfini al Dolphina Park. Inoltre, puoi ottenere trasferimenti di andata e ritorno dall’hotel da Sharm el-Sheikh e, se lo desideri, aggiornare il tuo biglietto d’ingresso per nuotare con i delfini.


  • È un’opzione perfetta per bambini e adulti per avvicinarsi alla natura e godersi questi simpatici animali. Inoltre, solo qui puoi notare quanto siano davvero intelligenti e giocosi questi animali.
  • Alle 14:00 verremo a prendervi. Inoltre, lo spettacolo dei delfini è uno spettacolo di 60 minuti pieno di divertimento e divertimento. Inoltre ci sono 4 delfini molto intelligenti e giocherelloni. Inoltre, durante lo spettacolo, avrai la possibilità di scattare foto. Inoltre, dopo potrai scendere a toccare gli animali.
  • Aggiorna il tuo biglietto per farti scattare una foto con i delfini o, in alternativa, scegli di unirti a loro per una nuotata. In tal modo, puoi creare bellissimi ricordi con la tua famiglia mentre conosci questi amati animali nell’acqua.
  • Infine, alla fine di questo fantastico viaggio, verrai accompagnato al tuo hotel a Sharm el Sheikh.

Orario di partenza e orario di partenza Ritorno

Ritiro: intorno alle 14:00 (a seconda della posizione dell’hotel a Sharm el Sheikh).
Ritorno: intorno alle 16:30.
Durata: 3 ore.
Tour disponibile tutti i giorni.

Cosa portare

Asciugamani e asciugamani vestiti da nuoto e amp; telecamera

Prezzo del tour

Adulti: 20€ a persona.
Bambino: da 3 anni a 8 anni: 13€
Neonati: sotto i 3 anni soggiornano gratuitamente


  • puoi aggiungere il nuoto con i delfini per 15 minuti per 65€ & 30 minuti 85€
  • Adulti e bambini pagano lo stesso prezzo.


  • Transfer from your hotel
  • Entrance fees
  • Show 1 hour
  • drinks
  • Photo services


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20.00 30.00
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Dolphin show & swimming with dolphins

Enjoy a Dolphin show & swimming with dolphins and, in addition, opt to get your photo taken with the dolphins at Dolphina Park. Furthermore, you can get round-trip hotel transfers from Sharm el-Sheikh and, if you’d like, upgrade your entry ticket to swim with the dolphins.


  • It is a perfect option for children and adults to come close to nature and enjoy these nice animals. In addition, only here you can notice how smart and playful these animals really are.
  • At 14:00, we will pick you up. Furthermore, the dolphin show is a 60-minute show full of fun and enjoyment. In addition, there are 4 very smart and playful dolphins. Also, during the show, you will have the chance to take photos. Additionally, afterwards you can get down to touch the animals.
  • Upgrade your ticket to get your photo taken with the dolphins, or alternatively, chose to join them for a swim. In doing so, you can create beautiful memories with your family as you get to know these beloved animals in the water.
  • Finally, at the end of this fantastic trip, you will be dropped off to your hotel in Sharm el Sheikh.

Departure time & Return

Pickup: Around 14:00 (Depending on your hotel location in Sharm el sheikh).
Drop Off: Around 16:30 Pm .
Duration: 3 hours.
Tour available every day.

What to bring

Towels & swimming clothes & camera

Tour price

Adult  : 20€ per person.
Child  : from 3 years to 8 years: 13€
Infant : Under 3 years old are Free of charge


  • you can add swimming with dolphins for 15 minutes for 65€ & 30 minutes 85€
  • Adults and children pay the same price.


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20.00 30.00
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Dolphin show & swimming with dolphins

Enjoy a Dolphin show & swimming with dolphins and, in addition, opt to get your photo taken with the dolphins at Dolphina Park. Furthermore, you can get round-trip hotel transfers from Sharm el-Sheikh and, if you’d like, upgrade your entry ticket to swim with the dolphins.


  • It is a perfect option for children and adults to come close to nature and enjoy these nice animals. In addition, only here you can notice how smart and playful these animals really are.
  • At 14:00, we will pick you up. Furthermore, the dolphin show is a 60-minute show full of fun and enjoyment. In addition, there are 4 very smart and playful dolphins. Also, during the show, you will have the chance to take photos. Additionally, afterwards you can get down to touch the animals.
  • Upgrade your ticket to get your photo taken with the dolphins, or alternatively, chose to join them for a swim. In doing so, you can create beautiful memories with your family as you get to know these beloved animals in the water.
  • Finally, at the end of this fantastic trip, you will be dropped off to your hotel in Sharm el Sheikh.

Departure time & Return

Pickup: Around 14:00 (Depending on your hotel location in Sharm el sheikh).
Drop Off: Around 16:30 Pm .
Duration: 3 hours.
Tour available every day.

What to bring

Towels & swimming clothes & camera

Tour price

Adult  : 20€ per person.
Child  : from 3 years to 8 years: 13€
Infant : Under 3 years old are Free of charge


  • you can add swimming with dolphins for 15 minutes for 65€ & 30 minutes 85€
  • Adults and children pay the same price.


  • Transfer from your hotel
  • Entrance fees
  • Show 1 hour
  • drinks
  • Photo services

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20.00 30.00
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